What to Do If Revenge Porn Happens to You

Imagine you are at the beach in Ocean City, Maryland with your wife and children. It’s a beautiful summer day and you take a “selfie” of yourself and your family to have a memory of the day.   There are other beachgoers in the background of your picture.  You decide that the picture looks so good [...]

April 28th, 2023|

Witness Testimony is Evidence That May Make or Break Your Case

Everyone relates best to the testimony of a witness sitting just a few feet away from them. Data shows that the in-court testimony of a witness can still make or break your case with judges and juries. As such, a trial lawyer’s job consists of using his side’s witnesses to help him tell his client’s [...]

June 7th, 2022|

October Update on Maryland Courts

Published October 9, 2020 by Marc Emden All Courts in Maryland are slowly reopening their doors to members of the public. Jury trials for example have begun to take place throughout several counties in the State of Maryland, like Montgomery and Frederick Counties and Baltimore City Many District Courts throughout the state are now allowing the [...]

October 9th, 2020|

Maryland’s County Commissioners: Good or Bad?

Legal systems vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. One of the aspects that sets the Maryland judicial system apart from those of its tristate area neighbors is its use of District Court commissioners. Learn More.

October 6th, 2015|

A La Carte Legal Representation

As you may know, a lawyer's actions are guided by the ethics rules called Rules of Professional Conduct (RPCs). The Model RPCs are written by the American Bar Association (ABA), a national volunteer organization with nearly 400,000 members, including judges, lawyers, and law students. Learn More

September 29th, 2015|

Business Partner Login Access Disputes

While disputes between business partners are quite common, a new set of legal problems has arisen with the increased pressure on businesses to have an online presence (from informational websites to making commercial websites with products available online). Learn More.

September 24th, 2015|

How Accessible Is the Data on Your Phone?

Most people have their phones protected by passcodes, and the easiest way to access your phone is to know this passcode. If the police demand that you provide them with the passcode, do you have to give it to them? Learn More.

September 22nd, 2015|
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