What is the crime of second degree assault in Maryland?

In the State of Maryland, the Legislature determined that there are two degrees of assault, First Degree Assault and Second-Degree Assault.  The Legislature codified what constitutes each and what penalties a person can face if found guilty of assault.  Here are three situations in which the crime of second-degree assault may arise: A woman pulls [...]

April 22nd, 2024|

Electronic Stalking in Maryland

In the 2022 General Assembly session, the Maryland Legislature expanded the law of Stalking.  In response to decisions in the courts and to public sentiments against stalking behavior through electronic devices, Maryland lawmakers added a new provision to the Stalking law, which included cyberstalking as a potential basis for the criminal charge of stalking. Maryland [...]

November 30th, 2023|

Maryland’s Changing Legal Landscape Over Possession of Marijuana

Marijuana laws in the United States are currently an ever-changing patchwork.  Bills have been introduced in Congress to legalize marijuana and a number of states have legalized medical marijuana (37 states & DC) and recreational marijuana (18 states & DC). While Maryland has a medical marijuana law, generally marijuana is still considered contraband in the [...]

February 1st, 2022|

How an Attorney Helps a Crime Victim Win in Court

In Maryland, victims of crime have important rights. Maryland Criminal Procedure Article § 11-1002 offers guidelines for helping victims of a crime, declaring that they should be treated with “dignity, respect, courtesy, and sensitivity”. Unfortunately, due to heavy caseloads, crime victims are sometimes lost from the view of those who are responsible for prosecuting their [...]

November 12th, 2020|

Felony vs. Misdemeanor Charges in Maryland

If you are charged with a felony in the State of Maryland, the general rule implies that you are facing at least one year of potential jail time for the charge, while misdemeanor charges usually carry a maximum in jail of one year or less. However, due to changes by the Maryland General Assembly, some crimes no longer fall within the general rule and some misdemeanors carry longer sentences than felonies.

May 25th, 2017|

Some of the Ways in Which Marijuana and Other Drugs are Sent in the Mail

With the legalization of marijuana in places like Colorado and its decriminalization elsewhere, more marijuana is now being shipped through the U.S. mail than in recent years, according to the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, whose seizures of marijuana parcels have increased by more than 400 percent since 2007.

October 17th, 2016|

Supreme Court News on Criminal Law in Rockville

On June 23, 2016, the Supreme Court decided the case of Birchfield v. North Dakota. As we described in our previous blog on criminal law, the Court in Birchfield took up the issue of whether under the United States Constitution, a state can punish someone by suspending their right to drive simply because they refused to take a blood or breath. Learn More.

August 17th, 2016|
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